Scholarship101:AccessGranted, will be collaborating with the Ivy Tech Community College Financial Aid department in downtown Indianapolis to host a Financial Aid Fair on October 18, 2022, from 10 am-2 pm, in the Illinois Fall Creek Building, IFC 101 and IFC 102. The premise of this event is to provide an opportunity to serve the following audiences: high school seniors, college students, transfer
students, DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), adult learners, and the surrounding community to come and learn about how to help fund their education through scholarships and grants. We would love for you, your school, or your organization to be present!
There will be two parts to this event. The first will be a presentation facilitated by Andrea Thomas, Director of Nina and Bowen Scholarship Programs from Ivy Tech Community College-Central Indiana, and myself, Founder of Scholarship101:AccessGranted. Our presentation will consist of the importance of completing a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), the differentiation between a scholarship award and scholarship programs, understanding terminology, and network building. The second part of this event will be the fair for vendors to build community engagement with all attendees.
We hope that you will join us in this effort to provide a better way to fund education. Also, if you know of a business or organization that would benefit from this event, please email me their contact information, and I will reach out to them directly.
I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon!
Tamesha Allen, Founder & CEO
Tamesha Speaks, LLC.
E: tamesha@tameshaspeaks.com