Thriving families, high performing schools, growing businesses, dedicated and informed residents, these are the hallmarks of prospering communities. The Near Northwest Communities of Indianapolis are bound together by a rich heritage of faith, historical landmarks, grassroots entrepreneurialism and active volunteers and stakeholders, formed out of the Northwest Quality of Life Plan.
The Northwest Quality of life Plan, also known as, NWQOL, a city initiative, began in 2014, to improve the quality of life in the near northwest neighborhoods of Indianapolis. From these resident driven plans, conducted by a Community Builder, and a governing body of dedicated residents and stakeholders, this Near Northwest community has set the bar by demonstrating “Unity in Motion”! It is important to recognize that the Northwest Quality of Life Plan is going into its fifth year in 2020. That means that many of the goals have already been reached and some are no longer relevant. The Plan has been worked!
Re-branding, Website development, Social Media Marketing, Electronic and Print newsletter production is but a few of the many developments resulting from “Unity In Motion” a phrase coined by those serving together through the committees of the NWQOL.
That being said, Unity in motion is more than just a catchy phrase, it comes from a truth that we are all very much a part of. The NNW community residents, neighborhood associations and stakeholders have everything needed to create a community we can all thrive in.
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