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Property Tax Deductions!

Evelyn Blunt

Take advantage of your property tax deductions!

At the August Near Northwest Community Meeting, we were blessed to have the Marion County Treasurer's staff come to Flanner House and speak to the residents about ways that they can decrease their property taxes.

When anyone says "taxes," typically, there is an immediate frown upon one's face, and when you say "property taxes," that frown gets even bigger. We have all seen an uptick in how much we have had to pay this year, so we needed to get the Marion County Treasurer, Barbara Lawrence, in front of the community to help explain how taxes, assessments, and deductions work in our favor.

Barbara did an outstanding job reviewing how the whole process works and giving residents valuable resources and information to help them with their property tax scenarios. She was detailed, thoughtful, empathetic, and kind while answering questions and presenting her talk; we loved it! The residents were nearly on their feet in applause for her and her staff's help and the initiative to make sure that even if you didn't get a full explanation of your concerns, they would gather your contact info and get back to you with answers. This wasn't just a random promise, as I started to get feedback from residents the next day saying they had been contacted by the Treasurer's office for follow-up.

Too often, we are left in the dark on important matters that affect our quality of life, and I am glad to say that this evening gave us a huge boost of confidence in knowing that there are city departments that want to work with us. I have included a link for more info about deductions that may be able to assist you, so please take a look and find out all you can.

Community meetings are held every 3rd Thursday, starting at 5:30 pm for dinner and 6:15 pm for the meeting at Flanner House. Come join us!

Ron Rice

Community Builder

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