By Courtney Guggenberger
Collection drive for local schools hosted by Guggman Haus
For the second year, we were thrilled to host a collection drive for two of our local schools, Global Prep #44 and Vision Academy. Through relationships with social workers at each school, immediate needs for coats, gloves/hats, toiletries like toothpaste and shampoo, and non-perishable foods were identified. Collection bins were set-up at our brewery from December 3rd through January 7th.
One of our friends and regulars (he's also a teacher!) celebrated his birthday, for the second year in a row, by collecting items for this drive. He asked friends to meet for a socially-distanced beer in our beer garden, but to bring donations as well. They donated an entire carload of backpacks, toiletries, and food. A local musician, who has played several times at the Haus, performed an online concert while collecting all tips as donations. He went shopping and provided over $200 in donations for the local schools. Another friend of the brewery donated 50 handmade blankets from her nursing unit that were immediately dispersed to local families as Christmas gifts.
We’ve been blown away by the support of our guests and the surrounding community. Thank you for allowing us to help do our part, and a shout out to the social workers who work extra hours making sure their kids receive what they need, especially over the holidays. We’re excited to see this collection drive grow each year and support more schools!