Happy New Year!!
And with that..., we walk into the age old process of new year fitness goals, new year leadership directions, new year mindsets, etc., etc.
As you look at your goals for the future, have you considered how they can improve your community? Have you asked yourself, “How can my desires benefit those who are physically within my area of concern?”
As your Community Builder, I also will be setting goals to find ways to improve the quality of life for The Near Northwest Area but, the direction, speed, momentum and the vision are in YOUR hands!
This is OUR community and it should never be up to one, or a few to dictate how, where and what will happen in it. Everyone is blessed with the power to transform dreams into reality and your politicians, movers and shakers, stakeholders and community organizations are the willing servants of your requests. The voice we speak from, is OUR voice.
My Open Door Policy: As your Community Building, it is important that I hear from all of you as much as is possible. So when I am working, and when I speak, I use one voice that we all share. Also, there are community co-chairs who head committees on Housing, Food Access, Arts, Parks and Public Spaces, Peace and Safety, Education and Economic Development who will address the specific needs and concerns that YOU have for you, your neighbors and your community. Let YOUR voice be heard!
How do you do that, you ask? Show up! Be present! Know what's happening to you and your environment. Go to any of the NNW meetings. Go to your neighborhood association meetings. Don't have one? Then let us help you get it started. Go to your parks. Go to your neighborhood advocates. Go to your schools. Your churches. Ask questions. Demand answers. Volunteer. Volunteer. Volunteer!!
Your community builder is here for you! I work for you. I answer to you. Share with me your dreams and then reinforce them with your presence. We can do so much more together than alone. Unity requires motion. Once you have made that first step forward with us, our Unity will be IN motion.
Our call to arms is Unity in Motion and we are pleased to announce that we look forward to moving ahead with you.
Ron Rice